Saturday, December 13, 2008

Girls' Day Out!

Here are the BFF's (from left to right - Mr. Monkey, Sockette, Miss Pearl, Sassy and Princess Monkitha). These ladies are enjoying a bright sunny morning hanging out in a tree at Crystal Beach.

The ladies are taking a break on a pretty pastel bench.

The BFF's pose around this now defunct fountain in Live Oak Park.

What a nice place to enjoy the view - on a park bench surrounded by flowers!


SoCk mONkEy QuEeN said...

That so pretty. They look great. I love their clothes. I think S'morey thinks they are pretty also.He has this gazed look in his eyes, but his girlfriends name is Truffle. =)

Anonymous said...

SoCk mONkEy QuEeN,

Please tell S'morey that he should have only one girlfriend at a time. LOL!

P.S. I've noticed there is a candy / chocolate theme with all of your sock monkeys' names.

SoCk mONkEy QuEeN said...

Yes, S'morey has a sweet tooth and he helps me name the new members. I think for Christmas we are getting a sock moose and, of course, S'morey has already picked out a name: Cheesecake the Moose it has a ring to it, I must say.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great name for a sock moose.