Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Got a Neck Lift

My adventures in the past decade or so have taken their toll on my physique. One of the main problem areas is my neck. It has a pretty severe droop, as you can see from a photo this past spring. In addition, a rather unattractive buffalo hump appeared on the back of my neck (see notation in photo). I'm not a vain monkey, but I would like to be able to hold my head high. Also, my custom Big Monkey necklace has been hidden from view because of my droopy neck. Last night, all of that changed. I got a neck lift!

The results are amazing! Can you believe that this was a non-invasive procedure? No surgery was required. I was told it would feel like a nice massage. In reality it felt like a semi-uncomfortable manipulation by a silverback gorilla. It was so worth the half hour of mild discomfort I experienced though. You can see that the buffalo hump has been smoothed out, and I can hold my head high again!

Best of all, everyone can see my Big Monkey necklace again! I've been told by my physician to limit wardrobe changes, so I'll be wearing this shirt for a while. It's a small price to pay for the boost in my neck (and my confidence).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice, BM! Looking mighty dapper.

And a Happy Birthday to your human, Laura. She is approaching neck lift age as well, n'est-ce pas?
