Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Monkey Gifts

Laura received this very good monkey watch. I especially like the monkeys on the band. Even if the watch dies, it will make a nice bracelet.

This is Nano Monkey. He came from ebay, along with many other items in our home. He is called Nano because he is so tiny. To give you an idea of his size, I've placed Nano Monkey on my paw. He's barely 1/2 inch tall.

We received this nifty night light (another Cracker Barrel find) from Mark's dad.

Laura's aunt Betty gave us a different night light. Our house will be lit up by multiple sock monkeys when it gets dark.

Laura received this awesome pair of Paul Frank pajamas from Mark's brother Scott. Julius the monkey is our friend, and so is Paul Frank.


Noah said...

Hi, Big Monkey!

Me and Dad are kind of sorry Mom saw this blog post. Now we are going to have to try to find her a monkey watch.

Love, Noah

Big Monkey said...


The watch is from Kohl's. Maybe they still have them! We found it while we were on a mission to get the colorful sock monkey tree ornaments (thanks to your tip!)