Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sock Monkey Friday 10/9/09 - Gunther and Scarlet

By popular demand, Gunther attended Sock Monkey Friday at the bank again. His girlfriend Scarlet had heard that some ladies requested Gunther's appearance, so she came along to chaperone.

We had fun monkeying around in the lobby before the bank opened. "Can we have some service, please? We'd like to open a checking account."

Gunther was either truly inspired to save or else he was just having fun playing with these giant blocks.

Scarlet had fun hanging around on the Wealth Management display. That's how she rolls.

"Hold all my calls, please," Gunther said authoritatively. "I have to catch up on my e-mail and attend an important conference call."


fred said...

Asking B-monk how the M-Suter is doing?

Big Monkey said...

He's been going through a lot lately, but he's hanging in there Fred. Thanks for asking.